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haii!! im kat (she/her) and welcome to my website! here i keep a display of my hobbies and info about myself. if you wish to contact me, dm me on discord @meow77 or email me at meow.seventyseven@gmail.com
use the navbar under the header image to navigate my site! using it,
you can find the art i've made, things i collect, and some free
resources. if you have any ideas to make this site better, let me know!
07/21/2024: redid commissions page07/09/2024: added mobile support!
07/07/2024: redid layout again!
03/04/2024: bought domain meow77.net!
10/09/2023: fixed google drive links
10/06/2023: polished free stuff page a bit
08/18/2023: vastly expanded free stuff page
09/15/2023: added free stuff page
07/24/2023: bug fixes, added some stamps
07/20/2023: added comment box
07/16/2023: added commissions page
07/08/2023: added art and 404 pages, directory, homepage text, more buttons and stamps
07/07/2023: added background, links to buttons
07/06/2023: added banner, webneko, stamps, and links to blinkies
07/05/2023: new layout!!